Minggu, 09 Juli 2017


1.    How to Make Perfect Pancakes





·         1 all-purpose flour
·          tbsp. sugar
·         2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
·         1/2 tsp. salt
·         1 1/4 c. milk
·         3 tbsp. butter, melted
·         1 large egg
·         Vegetable oil for brushing pan

1.      Whisk 1 1/2 cups flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in a medium bowl.
2.      Whisk 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk, 4 tablespoons melted butter and 1 egg in a separate bowl; fold into the flour mixture until just combined (it's OK if there are some lumps).
3.      Brush a large nonstick skillet or griddle with butter and heat over medium-low heat. Add ¼ cupfuls of batter and cook until bubbly on top and golden on the bottom, about 4 minutes. Flip and cook until golden on the bottom, about 2 more minutes. (Makes 6 to 8 pancakes.)
2. Synopsis (TRAIN TO BUSAN)
            A truck approaches a toll booth as it's being sanitized, with several workers cleaning the area in hazmat suits. The truck driver passes through the toll booth and accuses them of slowing him down, but the workers assure him that nothing is wrong, and that the area is just being sanitized as there was a small leak at a nearby nuclear plant. As he passes the toll booth, he is distracted by his ringing phone and accidentally runs over a doe. After inspecting the scene, he gets back in his truck and drives off. However, the doe staggers to its feet despite the crash and turns to reveal that it is infected.

            Early in the morning, Seok-woo drives Su-an to the station, only to nearly crash into an oncoming horde of ambulances and police cars. As Seok-woo ponders what could be going on, Su-an reaches out the car window and catches an ember in her hand, prompting Seok-woo to notice the burning building in the distance. He remarks that there's something bad going on, but drives to the station regardless. They board the train, which is also occupied by the tough working-class husband Sang-hwa and his pregnant wife Seong-kyeong, a high school baseball team, rich but selfish CEO Yon-suk, and a pair of elderly sisters, In-gil and Jon-gil, and a homeless man who seems to be aware of the zombie situation.

            As the train prepares to leave, a spasming young woman boards the train with an enormous bite wound on her leg. Outside the train, station manager then signals the KTX to leave, only to notice a group of people on top of the stairs of the station, screaming at something unseen. Su-an watches through the window as the manager is quickly ambushed by a rabid human, which only she witnesses. Frightened, Su-an gets up to go to the bathroom. In the lower numbered cars, a train attendant comes across the infected woman, and she attempts to resuscitate her, only for the woman to complete her transformation. The zombie then latches onto the attendant's neck, who runs into the baseball team's car in a panic. The two then fall to the floor, now both zombies. The two proceed to attack most of the baseball team and creates a horde of zombies in the process -- only four students escape: baseball player Yong-guk, his crush Jin-hee, and two unnamed boys

            The zombies race towards the upper compartments and infect everyone in their path, Su-an unwittingly walks towards the lower ones, looking for a bathroom. Seok-woo awakens and notices that Su-an is missing from her seat. He then receives a call from a coworker, who informs him that "violent riots" have erupted around Korea. Soon enough, a group of panicked passengers from the lower compartments rush through past his seat, screaming and running. Now realizing that Su-an may be in danger, Seok-woo runs in the opposite direction and sees Su-an standing right in front of an oncoming horde of zombies. He grabs her, and they are chased by the horde, but Seok-woo successfully reaches his compartment and attempts to barricade it, nearly locking Sang-hwa and Seong-kyeong out in the process. The survivors struggle to barricade the door, then realize that the zombies do not know how to open it, and merely charge at the sight of humans. Seong-kyung uses water and newspapers to cover the windows, which remedies the situation by causing the zombies to think they are not there.

Cynthia Laudya or commonly called Bella Bella ( born in Bandung , February 24, 1988 , age 25 years ) is an Indonesian film actress , soap star , Indonesian actress . He never played in famous movies and soap operas such as Virgin , Red Lantern .
Soap operas are famous who had starred Senandung Puberty and Squire Jengkol . He also began to explore the world of singing with vocal groups asuhanMelly Ayala Not Ordinary Stars with Raffi Ahmad , Chelsea Olivia Wijaya , Dimas Beck , and Ayushita . Bella is a Pisces and bershio Dragon . Bella is the 4th child of 4 siblings .
Address Twitter Laudya Cynthia Bella
Biography Laudya Cynthia Bella
·         Laudya Cynthia Bella Personal
Laudya Cynthia Bella was born in Bandung , February 24, 1988 . He is known as an actress , soap star from Indonesia . For romance , Bella was recorded once a love with Rivaldo , Raffi Ahmad and the grandson of President Suharto , Bannerman Trihatmodjo . And this time the superstar cast of the soap opera My boyfriend also had a relationship with racer Ananda Mikola . Regardless of the Ananda , Bella seen holding opponent in Love Flowers 2 , Chico Jericho .
·         Laudya Cynthia Bella Career
Laudya began his career as a model and commercials , before eventually dabbling in acting . Bella never selected as a finalist My friends magazine in 2002, but his name became known for her role in the film as Biyan Virgin .
Through Virgin movie this reason , Bella is learning acting from Eka D. Sitorus , caregivers Way Acting School in Jakarta , was selected as one of the major artists nominated for best female Indonesian Film Festival ( FFI ) . Bella was also named Praised actress in Bandung Film Festival ( FFB ) 2004. Bella never starred in Teen Love , Red Lantern and Not Ordinary Stars . And through the soap Squire Jengkol , Bella managed as most top actresses version of SCTV Awards 2006 .
·         album
Let's Dance Together ( Single 2006 Joint BBB )
Soundtrack Not Ordinary Stars (2007 )
Off-again ( single 2009 Along BBB
Love Heart Heart ( CH2 ) ( single 2012 Joint Joey Ayala and BBB
·         achievement
Favorite Daughter Java Champion 2003
Champion 2 Model My friends 2002
Princess Bobo 1997 Finalists
Main Cast Nominated Best Female Film Festival Indonesia 2005
Praised actress in the London Film Festival 2005 Virgin movie
Most Ricing Star MTV MOVIE AWARDS 2005 INDONESIA ( Virgin )
SCTV AWARDS popular actress drama 2006 by Squire Jengkol
1st Place Models in London
Best Hair Do Female Actress : Johnny Andrean AWARDS 2008
Most Sexiest Female Actress : INSERT AWARDS 2010
4.     Biografi Medina Zein , Hijabers Muda yang Sukses Menjadi Miliuner berkat Bisnis Kecantikan

Bila masa lalumu sulit maka masa depanmu ditentukan oleh seberapa besar mimpimu, kerja kerasmu dan orang-orang yang ada disekitar mu – Medina Zein 
Biografi Medina Zein , Hijabers Muda yang Sukses Menjadi Miliuner berkat Bisnis Kecantikan

Medina Zein
Medina Susani Daivina Zein atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Medina Zein hijabers cantik kelahiran 23 Mei 1992 Bandung , Jawa Barat. Bisnis kecantikan yang digeluti medina mampu meraup omzet miliaran rupiah perbulannya sehingga menjadikannya sebagai seorang miliuner yang sukses di usia yang sangat muda.
 Medina merupakan anak pertama dari dua bersaudara. Meritis bisnisnya dengan menggunakan modal sendiri tanpa bantuan dari orangtua ataupun pinjaman lainnya. Orangtua medina sempat sangat menentang keputusan Medina untuk menggeluti bisnis kecantikan karena berharap anak pertamanya dapat menjadi seorang dokter atau bekerja di bidang kesehatan lainnya seperti mewarisi keturunan dalam keluarganya. Ya, memang kedua orangtua dan keluarga besar Medina bekerja di bidang kesehatan sebagai spesialisasi persalinan maka alasan itulah Medina sejak awal diarahkan ke pendidikan kebidanan. Lulus dari Akademi Kebidanan Stikes Budi Luhur, Bandung, Medina tidak langsung mengambil pendidikan lagi karena memang tidak memiliki niatan untuk bekerja di bidang kesehatan. Medina justru lebih tertarik pada dunia kecantikan dan mempunyai cita-cita dapat mendirikan klinik kecantikan sendiiri walaupun orangtua nanti akan menentangnya.
Meski niat dan usaha medina tak direstui, Medina tetap bersikukuh pada keputusannya untuk memiliki klinik kecantikan dan ingin membuktikan kepada orangtuanya bahwa ia dapat meraih kesuksesan sesuai minatnya. sehingga Setelah lulus kuliah, medina lebih memilih mengikuti kursus singkat tentang estetika daripada melanjutkan sekolah lagi. Untuk mewujudkan mimpinya tersebut, Medina kemudian sedikit demi sedikit mulai menabung. Tabungan yang dikumpulkannya merupakan uang pemberian sang suami serta hasil keuntungan bisnis kecil-kecilan medina sejak duduk dibangku kuliah.
Biografi Medina Zein , Hijabers Muda yang Sukses Menjadi Miliuner berkat Bisnis Kecantikan

Medina bersama Anak dan Sang Suami Tercinta
Medina menikah saat masih berusia 19 tahun dan tinggal bersama  sang suami di sebuah kosan kecil. Pekerjaan Sang Suami hanyanya sebagai pegawai sebuah hotel. Maka dari itu medina dan sang suami harus prihatin akan ekonomi mereka. Namun ,hal tersebut tidak menghalangi kesuguhan medina untuk tetap menabung demi mewujudkan cita-citanya membangun klinik kecantikan.
Untuk bisa menjadi seorang miliuner muda seperti sekarang tentu tidak didapatkan secara instan. Medina sempat mengalami suka maupun duka ketika mendirikan berbagai usahanya selama kurang lebih empat tahun. Bisnisnya mulai berjalan ketika medina bertemu seorang dokter di kursus kecantikan yang diikutinya. Dari situ Medina dilatih bagaimana membuat produk kecantikan hingga membuka sebuah klinik. Medina pun mulai melakukan kerjasama dengan dokter dan apoteker untuk membuat produk perawatan wajah. Produk miliknya dipasarkan melalui media online. Bahkan untuk proses pengiriman , ia mengantarkan langsung tanpa bantuan jasa paketan.

Biografi Medina Zein , Hijabers Muda yang Sukses Menjadi Miliuner berkat Bisnis Kecantikan

Medinazein Boutique
Pada tahun 2012, Medina mulai membangun klinik kecil yang diberi nama “Lazeta” yang awalnya hanya digunakan untuk tempat facial dan peeling karena alatnya belum memadai. Kerjasama dengan satu dokter dan dua terapis, medina mulai mengembangkan bisnisnya.

Setelah sukses membangun bisnis kecantikannya hingga dapat meraup omzet miliaran rupiah setiap bulan, lantas membuat medina untuk memperluas bisnisnya ke ranah travel (PT. Medina Global Travelindo) serta fashion (Medinazein Boutique).

Biografi Medina Zein , Hijabers Muda yang Sukses Menjadi Miliuner berkat Bisnis Kecantikan

Medina Zein
Kesuksesan yang diraih medina tidak membuatnya besar hati. Medina dengan senang hati berbagi ilmu bisnis kepada orang-orang yang hendak belajar darinya. Medina mengungkapkan kunci kesuksesan bisnisnya ialah terus fokus pada komitmen awal yang telah kita buat dan jangan pernah memiliki pikiran untuk mundur , selalu mengedepankan dan mempertahankan kualitas produk dan terus menciptakan inovasi baru sehingga konsumen tidak beralih pada produk lain.
Nah mungkin kisah medina zein dapat menginspirasi para pebisnis ataupun pengusaha yang menjalankan bisnisnya agar terus gigih dan semangat untuk mencapai mimpi yang ingin diraih.

5.    Sinopsis Film Spider-Man : Homecoming 2017

            Anda penggemar film Spider-Man? Jika ya, anda patut berbahagia karena bulan Juli mendatang akan hadir kembali film Spider-Man yang bertajuk Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Film trilogi Spider-Man yang sebelumnya dibintangi oleh Tobey Maguire dan Andrew Garfield di dua film The Amazing Spider-Man inilah yang akhirnya memunculkan ide untuk kembali membuat film Spider-Man: Homecoming yang diproduksi oleh Columbia Pictures dan Marvel Studios.
            Keseruan baru pun muncul dalam film Spider-Man: Homecoming dengan hadirnya Robert Downey Jr sebagai Tony Stark (Iron Man) yang ikut turut membantu Peter Parker yang diperankan oleh aktor muda, Tom Holland dalam melawan musuhnya.
Film Spider-Man: Homecoming masih menceritakan sesosok Peter Parker yang diperankan oleh Tom Holland, seorang pelajar SMA yang secara tidak masuk akal mendapatkan kekuatan laba-laba akibat terkena gigitan laba-laba transgenic yang membuatnya memiliki kemampuan selayaknya laba-laba seperti mengeluarkan jaring, memanjat gedung tinggi, dan insting yang kuat.
Secara tidak langsung kekuatannya ini menjadikan Peter Parker memiliki tanggung jawab besar untuk melindungi dunia dari serangan musuh-musuhnya. Tony Stark (Iron Man) yang diperankan oleh Robert Downey Jr, ikut hadir pula dalam film Spider-Man: Homecoming untuk membantu Peter yang masih sangat muda untuk melindungi dunia.
Dalam film Spider-Man: Homecoming muncul sesosok musuh baru bagi Spider-Man bernama Vulture yang diperankan oleh Michael Keaton, yang meneror kota sehingga membuat Spider-Man harus bekerja keras demi menyelamatkan seluruh kota. Bersamaan dengan hal ini pula, Peter mengalami kegalauan antara membagia waktu untuk menyelamatkan kota dengan kegiatan sehari-harinya sebagai manusia normal dengan profesi pelajar SMA.
Kira-kira langkah apa yang diambil Peter Parker selanjutnya? Tetap menjadi Spider-Man dan menyelamatkan penduduk kota atau meninggalkan semuanya dan tetap menjalankan kehidupannya sebagai pelajar biasa? Saksikan Spider-Man: Homecoming yang akan rilis pada 7 Juli 2017 di Amerika dan menyusul di Indonesia.[]
Detail Cast dan Crew Film Spider-Man : Homecoming
Jenis Film : Action, Adventures
Produser : Kevin Feige, Amy Pascal
Sutradara : John Watts
Penulis : John Francis Daley, Jonathan M. Goldstein
Produksi : Columbia Pictures, Marvel Studios
Pemain : Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon

Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

Helping and Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Kharunia Apriliansyah Putri

Dosen: Defi Julianti

Helping and Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Helping verbs or auxiliary verbs such as will, shall, may, might, can, could, must, ought to, should, would, used to, need are used in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of time and mood. The combination of helping verbs with main verbs creates what are called verb phrases or verb strings. In the following sentence, "will have been" are helping or auxiliary verbs and "studying" is the main verb; the whole verb string is underlined:
As of next August, I will have been studying chemistry for ten years.
Students should remember that adverbs and contracted forms are not, technically, part of the verb. In the sentence, "He has already started." the adverb already modifies the verb, but it is not really part of the verb. The same is true of the 'nt in "He hasn't started yet" (the adverb not, represented by the contracted n't, is not part of the verb, has started).
Shall, will and forms of have, do and be combine with main verbs to indicate time and voice. As auxiliaries, the verbs be, have and do can change form to indicate changes in subject and time.
·         shall go now.
·         He had won the election.
·         They did write that novel together.
·         am going now.
·         He was winning the election.
·         They have been writing that novel for a long time

Modals Auxiliaries

Historically, the modals of English, which are listed in (1), derive from a special class of verbs in Germanic (the ancestor of English and the other Germanic languages).
1. can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would.
Modals have always differed from ordinary verbs in Germanic, and in the course of the history of English, they have diverged from verbs even further, to the point where they now belong to a syntactic category of their own. Because many modals have meanings that are often expressed in other languages by verbal inflections, this syntactic category is called I(nflection).
In what follows, we review the ways that modals differ from verbs in English, both morphologically (what forms they exhibit) and syntactically (how they combine in sentences).
1. Auxiliaries, Modals and Main verbs
behave and do can be auxiliaries and main verbs. They have grammatical functions and are used for forming tenses, questions, the passive, etc.
Modals are cancouldmaymightmustought toshallshouldwillwould and need (need can also be a main verb).
·         We can play football.
·         We could play football.
·         We may play football.
·         We might play football.
·         We must play football.
·         We mustn't play football.
·         We needn't play football.
·         We ought to play football.
·         We shall play football.
·         We should play football.
·         We will play football.
·         We would play football.

Range of forms
Modals and verbs differ in the range of forms that they exhibit. English verbs appear in a number of distinct forms (see Finiteness), whereas modals have a single, invariant form. Modals never end in -s, even in sentences with third person singular subjects.
She { can-s, may-s } play the piano.
She { can, may } play the piano.

Potential paraphrase

Nowadays, you can get one for a dollar.
... it is possible to get one ...
Back then, you could get one for a nickel.
... it was possible to get one ...
We can go there tomorrow.
It is possible for us to go there ...
We could go there tomorrow.
It was possible for us to go there ...
You may ask the boss.
You are allowed to ask the boss.
You might ask the boss.
You were allowed to ask the boss.
Shall I pick up some bread?
Is it a good idea for me to pick up some bread?
Should I pick up some bread?
Was it a good idea for me to pick up some bread?

Finally, modals lack present and past participles; the missing forms must be paraphrased.
Cann-ing, may-ing } play the piano pleases her greatly.
Being able, being allowed } to play the piano pleases her greatly.
She has { cann-ed, may-ed } play the piano.
She has { been able, been allowed } to play the piano.

Auxiliary do
This section summarizes the properties of auxiliary do, introduced in the previous section in connection with do support. Auxiliary do belongs to the same syntactic category as the modals---namely, I(nflection), because it shares their properties with one exception (in contrast to modals, it has an -s form).
The goal of the previous section was to establish the special status of modals, and we used the facts of do support as a criterion for distinguishing modals from verbs. In this section, we consider some of the same facts, but with a different focus. Rather than focusing on the distinctive properties of modals, we focus on the morphological and syntactic properties of auxiliary do itself.
Like all English auxiliaries (the others are be and have), auxiliary do is homonymous with an ordinary verb - in this case, main verb do. The examples that follow explicitly contrast main verb do with auxiliary do.

Range of forms
As just mentioned, the only difference between auxiliary do and the modals is that it has an -s form. In this respect, it patterns with ordinary verbs, including its main verb counterpart.
can dance the polka.
He { can, * can-s } dance the polka.

Auxiliary do
do dance the polka; I do not dance the polka; do you dance the polka?
He do-es dance the polka; he do-es not dance the polka; do-es he dance the polka?
Main verb do
do the dishes.
He do-es the dishes.
Other verb
dance the polka.
He dance-s the polka.

Auxiliary have
Let's now turn to auxiliary have, which combines with past participles (-en forms) to form the perfect forms of verbs. Auxiliary have behaves like a V with respect to its morphology and its occurrence in nonfinite contexts, but like an I with respect to do support. Specifically, auxiliary have, like auxiliary do, shares all the morphological properties of its main verb counterpart. In addition, it can appear in nonfinite contexts (unlike auxiliary do). With respect to do support, however, auxiliary have differs from its main verb counterpart and patterns together with the modals and auxiliary do. The complex behavior of auxiliary have can be captured by saying that it moves from V to I in the derivation of a sentence (see for detailed discussion of V-to-I movement).
(29) and (30) show that auxiliary have, like auxiliary do (cf. (18)), behaves morphologically like its main verb counterpart in having an -s form.
Auxiliary have
have adopted two cats.
She ha-s adopted two cats.
Main verb have
have two cats.
She ha-s two cats.
Auxiliary have differs from auxiliary do (cf. (22)) and resembles main verb have in being able to appear in nonfinite contexts.
Auxiliary have,
to infinitive
They claim to have adopted two cats.
after modal
They must have adopted two cats.
I do not regret having adopted two cats.
Main verb have,
to infinitive
They claim to have two cats.
after modal
They must have two cats.
I do not regret having two cats.
On the other hand, just like auxiliary do (cf. (26)) and in contrast to main verb have, auxiliary have is ruled out in do support contexts.
Auxiliary have,
after emphatic do
He does have adopted two cats.
He doesn't have adopted two cats.
Does he have adopted two cats?
Main verb have,
after emphatic do
He does have two cats.
He doesn't have two cats.
Does he have two cats?
Be (auxiliary and main verb)
The examples in (35)-(40) illustrate the behavior of auxiliary be, which is used to form the progressive (is coming, was dancing) and the passive (is abandoned, was sold) in English. Auxiliary be behaves just like auxiliary have. In particular, it has an -s form (irregular though that form is), and it can appear in nonfinite contexts, but it is excluded from do support contexts. As a result, auxiliary be can be treated just like auxiliary have: as belonging to the syntactic category V, but moving from V to I in the course of a derivation.
Main verb be differs from main verb have and main verb do in behaving exactly like auxiliary be. In other words, main verb be is the only main verb in modern English that moves from V to I.
Auxiliary be,
non-third person
am learning Spanish; I am invited to the ceremony.
third person
She i-s learning Spanish; she i-s invited to the ceremony.
Main verb be,
non-third person
am happy.
third person
She i-s happy.
Auxiliary be,
to infinitive
They claim to be learning Spanish; they claim to be invited to the ceremony.
after modal
They must be learning Spanish; they must be invited to the ceremony.
I don't regret being invited to the ceremony.
Main verb be,
to infinitive
They claim to be happy.
after modal
They must be happy.
Auxiliary be,
after emphatic do
She does be learning Spanish; she does be invited to the ceremony.
She doesn't be learning Spanish; she doesn't be invited to the ceremony.
Does she be learning Spanish? Does she be invited to the ceremony?
Main verb be,
after emphatic do
She does be happy.
She doesn't be happy.
Does she be happy?